Polymeric pigments in berries and wines

This is a brief description of Dr. Adam's UC Davis new tannin assay, which is able to differentiate several types of phenolic compounds in wines. After explaining the method, the authors use it to measure the phenolic compounds in Cabernet sauvignon, Syrah, and Pinot noir grapes, as well as in their corresponding wines.

You can find the full text at: http://ajevonline.org/cgi/search?sortspec=relevance&author1=Harbertson%2C+JF&fulltext=polymeric+pigments&pubdate_year=2003&volume=54&firstpage=301

Canopy Management

Green Approaches




Pests And Diseases

Phenolics And Color

Roots And Soils

Vineyard Design

Vineyard Establishment

Wine Microbiology

Wine Production

Wine Sensory