Ben Montpetit

Letter from the Chair

The UC Davis Department of Viticulture and Enology unites a diverse community of faculty, staff, and students under a shared passion for wine. Our primary goal is to nurture the next generation of wine growers, makers, researchers, and educators. This commitment is embodied in our curriculum, blending a strong scientific foundation with immersive hands-on experiences in the winery and vineyard. We are expanding this curriculum to encompass business education, crafting a comprehensive program that molds our students into thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders whose careers will define California's wine industry and beyond.

Groundbreaking research and knowledge extension are the other core components of our mission, which are aimed at addressing both current and future challenges to the wine industry. Guided by globally renowned faculty, the knowledge we generate using state-of-the-art facilities serves as a benchmark for excellence to similar entities worldwide. These successes are fueled in part by alumni, industry partners, and friends, whose philanthropic contributions support infrastructure, equipment, student scholarships, extension, and research initiatives. Excitingly, with further support and investment, I know we can do even more for the California wine industry.

Considering the next century of grape growing and winemaking, numerous complex challenges and opportunities will undoubtedly emerge. In my role as department chair, I will work to ensure the faculty, staff, and students have the support they need to achieve success. This includes promoting a community that thrives on mutual respect and celebrates differences. Wine is for everyone, and a diverse community enriches us with a tapestry of ideas, practices, and approaches that drive innovation, making our department and the wine industry more exciting and resilient.

With our most important resource — the diverse people we educate — I am confident that the Department of Viticulture and Enology can produce the knowledge, solutions, innovations, and leaders needed by the wine industry to thrive well into the future. I look forward to working with anyone and everyone who would like to help us realize this vision.

Dr. Ben Montpetit

Chair, Department of Viticulture and Enology