Transfer Requirements

Course requirements for students transferring from a community college or 4-year institution (other than UC Davis)

1. Completion of courses equivalent to the following preparatory subject matter at UC Davis:

  • General Chemistry 2A, 2B, 2C
  • Organic Chemistry 8A (one semester of organic chemistry with lab will suffice)
  • Calculus 16A
  • Physics 7A (one semester of general physics will usually suffice)
  • Biological Sciences 1A or 2A

2. An average GPA in all preparatory courses for the major of 3.0 or better with no grade lower than C-. Use to determine course articulations between California Community Colleges and UC Davis.

UC Davis Student Transfer Requirements

1. Overall GPA of 2.25 or better

2. Completion of the following preparatory courses.

3. An average GPA in all preparatory courses for the major of 2.5 or better with no grade lower than C-. Final approval of all transfers will require satisfactory completion of all courses in progress at the time of application as well as maintenance of all GPA requirements. Students must achieve a grade of C- or better in all courses required of the program prior to entering the major.

Questions regarding transferring into this major should be directed to the Advising Office at