Candida zemplinina

Genus/species (aliases):  Candida zemplinina

Classification: Ascomycete; anamorph


Cell:  reproduces by budding; ellipsoid to elongated (2.2 – 3.0 x 3.0 – 5.2 μm) in single cells or pairs.

Candida zemplinina Candida zemplinina Candida zemplinina Candida zemplinina


  • Malt agar: low circular with smooth to finely shaped margins and butyrous texture
  • Spore: NA
  • Zygote: NA
  • Ascus: NA

Liquid Growth: pellicle film

Physiological Traits:

  • Substrates:glucose, sucrose, raffinose, lysine, L-sorbose
  • Products: ethanol, glycerol, acetaldehyde, acetoin

Ecological Traits: This organism is believed to be distinct to Tokaji, but has been isolated from California botrytized must (although 2 nucleotides differed in genomic analysis).

Distinguishing Features: It is almost indistinguishable from Candida stellata.However, by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of 26s rDNA, there is a 8% difference in the D1/D2 domain.

Role in wine:

  • Isolation from overripe and botryitized grapes has been accomplished due to the organism's tolerance to high sugar and low temperature conditions in which many other organisms cannot survive.
  • This yeast can survive in both must and wine.Populations have been reported to be greatest in the beginning stages of fermentation, although, they are capable of completing alcoholic fermentation.
  • It may be possible for this organism to exist during storage as other Candida species have can be present in barrels, producing a surface film.


  • SO2:
  • Sorbate:
  • DMDC:
  • pH:
  • Acids:
  • Ethanol:
  • Anaerobiosis:
  • Heat: X