Candida parapsilosis

Genus/species (aliases): Candida parapsilosis (Blastodendrion globosum. Brettanomyces petrophilum, Monilia parapsilosis, Sacchromyces vossii)

Classification: Ascomycete, anamorph


  • Cell:  reproduces by budding, ovoid, elliptical and elongated occurring singly, in pairs or short chains or cluster; simple to complex pseudohyphae formed
  • Colony:
  • YPD: cream-colored to yellowish, glossy, soft, smooth, some strains have wrinkled colonies
  • Spore: asexual blastopsores formed on pseudomycelia
  • Zygote: NA
  • Ascus: NA
  • Liquid Growth: Biofilm, pellicle, sediments and rings ma form
Candida parapsilosis Candida parapsilosis Candida parapsilosis

Physiological Traits:

  • Fermentation: Glucose; Galactose variable; Sucrose and Maltose absent or weak fermentation.
  • Assimilation: Galactose, Sucrose, D-Xylose, Ribitol, D-Mannitol, Maltose, Trehalose, L-Arabinose, Glycerol, D-Glucitol; growth on Sorbose, D-Ribose, Lactate, Succinate and Citrate is variable. No assimilation of nitrate; Cadaverine used as sole N source; some strains may use ethylamine or lysine as sole N source; no to weak growth in vitamin-free medium: requires biotin
  • Growth: 37C: +
  • Growth sensitivities: 10% NaCl: +; some strains will grow on 0.01% cycloheximide, no growth at 0.1% cycloheximide
  • Chrosmosome bands:  5  to 14

Ecological Traits:

Found on grape surfaces, human skin, soil.

Distinguishing Features:

Can be pathogenic in humans.

Role in wine:

Can be part of natural grape flora. Can ferment to a limited degree.


  • SO2: X
  • Sorbate­­­­­: X
  • DMDC: X
  • pH: X
  • Acids:
  • Ethanol: X
  • Anaerobiosis:
  • Heat: