Candida glabrata

Genus/species (aliases): Candida glabrata (Torulopsis glabrata, Cryptococcus glabratus)

Classification: Ascomycete; anamorph


Cell: Spherical to ovoid; vegetative reproduction by budding; no hyphae or pseudohyphae.


  • YPD: white to cream-colored, soft, glossy and smooth;
  • Spore: NA
  • Zygote: NA
  • Ascus: NA

Liquid Growth: dispersed, some strains may form pellicles or sediments

Physiological Traits:

  • Fermentation: Glucose; Trehalose + or v
  • Assimilation: Trehalose; Glycerol v; Ethanol v; Lactate v; no assimilation of nitrate; no growth in vitamin-free medium: requires inositol, pantothenate biotin; uses as sole N source: not able to use lysine.
  • Growth: 37°C +
  • Growth tolerances: 0.01% and 0.1% cycloheximide: variable; 10% NaCl: +
  • Chromosome bands: range from 6-14

Ecological Traits:

  • Second, only to C. albicans as the most abundant human flora
  • Common in immunocompromised patients as a pathogenic agent
  • Rare to questionable in wine, when present likely evidence of human contamination perhaps upon plating
  • Distinguishing Features:
  • Grows well in EMB agar, will not grow well in blood agar as others Candida yeast do

Role in wine: Very rarely found; only reported once; when isolated, likely due to human contamination


  • SO2:
  • Sorbate:
  • DMDC:
  • pH:
  • Acids:
  • Ethanol:
  • Anaerobiosis