Lactobacillus mali

Genus/species (aliases): Lactobacillus mali (Lactobacillus yamanashiensis; 70-95% similar, not identical)

Gram Stain: Positive


  • Cell: Rods: .6-.8 x 2-4 microns: single, paired, in chains palisades in irregular clumps, often forms chains of 5-8 cells long.
  • Colony: Die if repeatedly cultured at 27 degrees C.
  • Liquid Growth: likely dispersed


Physiological Traits:

  • Homofermentative: ferments  glu, fructose, sucrose, trehalose, Salicin, alpha methyl glucoside.
  • No oxygen requirements
  • Most strains can ferment many kinds of hexoses


Ecological Traits:

Isolated from fermenting musts, ciders and molasses, but more often found in juices.

Distinguishing Features:

  • LAB that produces a postive catalase test; Weak reaction.
  • Obligately homofermentative(negative gas production from glucose and gluconate)
  • Meso-DAP in Mucopeptides(peptidoglycan of cell wall
  • Can be ID from Lactobacillus plantarum because of the lack of the ability to metabolize quinic acid

Role in wine:


  • SO2:
  • Sorbate­­­­­:
  • DMDC:
  • pH: llke low: no growth >8.0
  • Acids:
  • Ethanol: No, survives fermentation
  • Anaerobiosis: Low
  • Heat: Can grow at 15C, but not thermotolerant.
