17-18 Wine Flavor 101C: Managing Red Wine Quality

Monday, June 4, 2018 at the UC Davis Conference Center

8:30-9:00: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00-9:50: Red Wine Quality Parameters: Link between Red Wine Composition and Quality: Anita Oberholster, Extension Specialist in Enology, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

9:50-10:35: The Influence of Cap Management and Fermentation Temperature: David Block, Department Chair and Professor, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

10:35-10:50: Break

10:50-11:15: Tasting

11:15-12:00: The Impact of Exogenous Tannin and Extended Maceration in Red Wine Production: Jim Harbertson, Associate Professor, Washington State University,
Wine Science Center

12:00-1:00: LUNCH

1:00-1:40: The Hidden Key to Managing Micro-oxygenation: Andrew Waterhouse, Professor, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

1:40-2:00: Tasting

2:00- 2:15: Break

2:15- 3:30: Winemaker Panel: Managing Red Wine Quality with Tasting: Moderator, Anita Oberholster. Panelists: Celia Welch, Celia Welch Consulting and Corra Wines; Cal Dennison, Senior Director of Winemaking, E&J Gallo, Modesto; Sebastian Donoso, Winemaker, Fetzer Vineyards

3:30-3:35: Wrap-up and Adjournment, Anita Oberholster