The Role of Brettanomyces in Winemaking Decisions

Wine Flavor 101B: The Role of Brettanomyces in Winemaking Decisions
January 11, 2013

9:00-9:10: Welcome: Linda Bisson

9:10-10:00: Overview of the Biology of Brettanomyces in Wine Production: A New Look at an Old Problem: Presenter: Linda Bisson

10:00-10:15: BREAK

10:15-11:00: Metabolomic Analysis of Aroma and Flavor Impact Compounds of
Brettanomyces: Presenter: Lucy Joseph

Tasting: Brettanomyces Signature Compounds
Flight 1: The Signature Compounds

11:30-12:00 Flight 2: The Influence of Wine Matrix Presenter: Linda Bisson

12:00-1:00: LUNCH

1:00-2:00: Introduction of the Brettanomyces Impact Wheel: Presenter: Lucy Joseph

Tasting: Comparison of Brettanomyces strains

2:00-2:45: Winemaker Panel: The Role of Brettanomyces in Wine Terroir - Alison
Crowe, Plata Wine Partners; Nick Goldschmidt, Goldschmidt Vineyards; Mia
Klein, Selene Wines; Delia Viader, Viader Vineyards; Chris Howell, Cain
Vineyard and Winery

2:45-3:00 BREAK

3:00-3:45: Tasting of Commercial Wines Displaying Brettanomyces Terroir

3:45-4:00: Wrap-up