Wine Flavor 101C:
The Impact of Phenolic Management on Wine Style Options
Feb. 15 2013 at Freeborn Hall, UC Davis
9:00-9:05 Welcome: Linda Bisson, UC Davis, Viticulture & Enology
9:05-9:50 Overview of Phenolics in Wine: Bitterness versus Astringency and Mouthfeel: Ann Noble, Emeritus, UC Davis, Vit & Enology
9:50-10:05 Break
10:05-10:30 Tasting: Bitterness and Astringency Standards
10:30-11:15 Review of Phenolics in Grapes and Optimizing Their Extraction into Wine: Doug Adams, UC Davis, Vit & Enology
11:15-12:00 Phenolic Assays: What Do the Numbers Mean? Jim Kennedy, CSU Fresno, Professor and Chair, Vit & Enology, and Director, Vit & Enology Research Center
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-2:00 Winemaker Panel: Phenolic Management in the Winery: Sally Johnson-Blum, Pride Mountain Vineyards; Corey Beck, Francis Ford Coppola Winery; Anthony King, Lemelson Vineyards; Jason Ledbetter, Pine Ridge Vineyards
2:00- 2:15 Break
2:15- 2:40 Tasting and Discussion of Panelist Wines
2:40-3:25 Making the Most of a Partial Extraction: Phenolics Profiling in Real-Time: Scott McLeod, Wine XRay, LLC
3:25-3:40 Break
3:40-4:00 Tasting: Wines with Differing Phenolic Profiles Plus A Real Outlier Cult Cab
4:00–4:15 Discussion and adjournment