Wine Flavor 101A: Managing Wine Quality ‐ Problematic Fermentation

February 15, 2018 at the UCD Activities & Recreation Center

8:30‐9:00: Registration and Light Breakfast

9:00: Welcome ‐ David Block, Chair and Professor, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

9:10: The Bisson Retirement: What Have We Witnessed over These Years? ‐ Charles Edwards, Professor, Washington State University

9:40: Discovery of HXT Family, Regulation and Impact on Wine Fermentation ‐ Jim Brown, Senior Director of Science, Agriculture & Natural Resources at UCD Extension

10:10: BREAK

10:25: What Do We Know About Difficult‐to‐Ferment Juices and Arrested Fermentations ‐ Vidhya Ramakrishnan, former Lab Manager for Dr Bisson, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

10:55: Hydrogen Sulfide Development ‐ Angela Linderholm, UCD Medical Center, Former Bisson Lab PhD

11:25: Application of the H2S‐less Gene across Industries – John Husnik, Renaissance Bioscience, Founder, Director and CEO

12:00: LUNCH

1:00: Adventures with Brettanomyces and the Brett Wheel ‐ Lucy Joseph, Culture Collection Curator, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

1:20: Winemaker Panel Discussion: What to Do about Brett? ‐ Donald Wirz, Brad Kitson, Beth Albino

2:20: Downshifting Yeast Dominance: Impacts of the [GAR+] Prion in Wine ‐ Gordon Walker, Recent Bisson PhD

2:50: BREAK

3:05: The Future of Yeast Research ‐ Ben Montpetit, Assistant Professor, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

3:25: A Passion for Knowledge, A Passion to Teach ‐ Linda Bisson, Professor Emerita, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

3:50‐4:00: Final Comments and Adjournment ‐ Anita Oberholster, Extension Specialist in Enology, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

4:15 to approximately 6:00pm: Complimentary Wine Social and Retirement Celebration
