Wine Flavor 101B: Blending for Style
March 18, 2016
8:30-9:00: Registration
9:00-9:10: Welcome and Introductions: Linda Bisson, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC
9:10-9:40: Blending for Style: Artistry and Practicality: Signe Zoller, Zoller Wine Styling
9:40-10:20: Blending to Enhance Varietal Character: Celia Welch, Corra and Celia
Welch Wines
10:20-10:35: BREAK
10:35-11:15: Blending to Best Represent Time and Place: Michael Silacci, Opus One
Winery, includes tasting
11:15-12:00: Creating a New Blended Wine: Neil Bernardi, Duckhorn Wine Company,
includes tasting
12:00-1:00: LUNCH
1:00-1:40: Blending to Enhance an Existing Popular Style: Charlie Peterson, E&J Gallo,
includes tasting
1:40-2:20: Blending Across Yeast Strains: Tom Stutz, La Rochelle, includes tasting
2:20-2:35: BREAK
2:35-3:15: Blending to Achieve a House Style: Rob Davis, Jordan Vineyard & Winery,
includes tasting
3:15-3:50: Panel Discussion with All Winemakers: Moderator, Linda Bisson
3:50-4:00: Wrap up and closing comments: Linda Bisson