Current Issues in Sustainable Winemaking: Best Practices, Barriers and Future Trends

Current Issues in Sustainable Winemaking: Best Practices, Barriers and Future Trends
April 16, 2015 U C Conference Center

8:30-9:00 - Registration

9:00-9:05 - Welcome:  Anita Oberholster, Extension Specialist in Enology, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

9:05-9:35 - Making the Business Case for Sustainability in Wine – Julien Gervreau, Jackson Family Wines

9:35-10:05 - Efficient refrigeration in the winery – Jim Rix, UCD Energy Efficiency Center / Western Cooling Efficiency Center

10:05-10:20 - BREAK

10:20-10:50 - Designing the Winery of the Future: Roger Boulton, Dept of Viticulture & Enology and Jill Brigham, Executive Director of the Sustainable Wine & Food Processing Center, UC Davis

10:50-11:20 - The Impact of New Technology on Winery Sustainability: Ron Runnebaum, Dept of Viticulture & Enology

11:20-12:10 - Panel Discussion on Optimizing the Value of Winery Waste Streams: Panelists TBD

12:10-1:00 - LUNCH

1:00-1:30 - The Water/Energy Nexus: Optimizing Water Use Efficiency: Ned Spang, UCD Center for Water-Energy Efficiency

1:30-2:00 - Impact of Winery Wastewater Irrigation on Soil, Grape Nutrition and Grape and Wine Quality: Anita Oberholster

2:00- 2:30 - Rules and Regulations in Re-using Grey Water in the Winery: Speaker TBD

2:30-2:45 - BREAK

2:45-3:30 - Winemaker Panel: Technical, Economic and Regulatory Impediments to Achieving Winery Sustainability: Panelists 

3:30-3:50 - Open Discussion

3:50-4:00 - Adjournment: Anita Oberholster