RAVE 2014 Agenda

RAVE AGENDA, March 13, 2014

 8:30-9:00am    Coffee and Registration

Session 1:         Anita Oberholster – Moderator, Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

9:00-9:05           Welcome and Introductions – Anita Oberholster

9:05-9:15           Department Update – David Block, Department Chair and Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

9:15-9:50           Judging wine quality:  Do we need experts, consumers or trained panelists?

-    Hildegarde Heymann, Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

9:50-10:25        Plant growth regulators to control berry abscission in grapes

-    Matthew Fidelibus,  Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

10:25-10:40      BREAK

Session 2:         Karen Block – Moderator, Industry Relations Manager, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

10:40-11:15      A new era in wine microbiology-routine tracking of all microbes in all places

-    David Mills,  Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis


11:15-12:00      Poster Highlights – Individual Researcher Flash Talks


1)       Evan Goldman, Reducing Xiphinema index populations using the resistant rootstock ‘O39-16’: the status of X. index after 20 years, Poster #1.

2)       Vidhya Ramakrishnan, Evaluation of red blotch infection on wine fermentations, Poster #2.

3)       Claire Heinitz, Variation in ion exclusion among north american vitis with increasing salt stress, and implications for rootstock breeding, Poster #3.

4)       Dave Hendrickson, Impact of mechanical harvesting and optical berry sorting on grape and wine composition, Poster #4.

5)       Celeste Arancibia, Molecular characterization of phylloxera present in Argentinean vineyards, Poster #5.

6)       Gordon Walker, Impact of the [GAR+] Prion S.cerevisiae Plasma Membrane During Fermentation, Poster #6.

7)       Daniel Pap, Genetic mapping of powdery mildew resistence in the wild chinese species, Vitis Piasezkii, Poster #7.

8)       Helene Hopfer, Effect of vineyard management on metal content of wine grapes, Poster #8.



Session 3:         Karen Block – Moderator

1:30-2:05           Optimizing vineyard water use through technology

Andrew McElrone,  Research Scientist, USDA-ARS and Assistant Adjunct

Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology

2:05-2:40           The potential of pathogen genomics in breeding for grapevine disease resistance

Dario Cantu,  Assistant Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

2:40-2:50           BREAK

Session 4:         Linda Bisson – Moderator, Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

2:50-3:25           Wine maturation tools

Anita Oberholster, Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC Davis

3:25-4:00           The latest on wine oxidation

-          Andrew Waterhouse, Professor, Department of Viticulture and Enology, UC


4:00-4:10           Concluding Remarks – Anita Oberholster