Nitrogen Management from Vine to Wine

WineFlavor 101B: Nitrogen Management from Vine to Wine
Freeborn Hall, April 18, 2014

8:00-9:00: Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00-9:10: Welcome: Linda Bisson, Department of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

9:10-10:10: Soil Nitrogen: Impact on Vine Nutrition: Jean-Jacques Lambert, Department of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

10:10-10:45: Soil Absorption and Fine Root Functionality: Kevin Fort, Department of Viticulture & Enology, UC Davis

10:45-11:00 BREAK

11:00-12:00: Vine Nitrogen Status Assessment: Considerations fromSoil to Fruit: Paul Verdegaal, Viticulture Farm Advisor, San Joaquin County, UC Davis

12:00-1:00: LUNCH

1:00-1:30: Nitrate in Groundwater - Science and Policy Developments: Thomas Harter,
Cooperative Extension Specialist, LAWR, UC Davis

1:30-2:00: The Role of Nitrogen in Yeast Metabolism and Aroma Production: Linda Bisson

2:00-2:30: Get it Right in the Vineyard or Supplement in the Winery? Panel discussion: All Speakers

2:30-2:45: BREAK

2:45-3:15: Types of Commercial Nutritional Supplements and Correct Usage: Nichola Hall, Scott Laboratories

3:15-3:25: Nitrogen Trials and Aroma Production: Linda Bisson

3:25-3:55: TASTING and Discussion of the Aroma Trial: Linda Bisson

3:55-4:00: Final Comments and Adjournment: Linda Bisson