WineFlavor 101A
Microbial Spoilage of Wine: Off‐Characters of Microbial Origin
January 16, 2014 Freeborn Hall, UC Davis
8:30‐9:00: Registration
9:00‐9:45: Recognizing Wine Off‐Characters of Microbial Origin: Linda Bisson, Dept of
Viticulture & Enology
9:45‐10:00: Break
10:00‐10:20: Tasting 1
10:20‐10:50: Film Organisms: Acetic Acid Bacteria and Yeasts: Mike Ramsey, Dept of
Viticulture & Enology
10:50‐11:20: Lactic Acid Bacteria: Spoilage Organisms and Management Practices: Lucy
Joseph, Dept of Viticulture & Enology
11:20‐11:35: Break
11:35‐12:00: Tasting 2
12:00‐1:00: LUNCH
1:00‐1:20: Tastings 4‐6 set up at 4 round tables for individual evaluation, due to intense aromas
1:20‐1:50: Discussion of Off‐characters from Desired Organisms: Yeast and ML: Linda
Bisson and Lucy Joseph
1:50‐2:30: Impact of Brettanomyces on Wine Quality: Lucy Joseph
2:30‐2:45: Break
2:45‐3:15: Tasting 3
3:15‐3:45: Best Practices for Managing Microbial Off‐Characters: Linda Bisson and Lucy