Current Issues: An In-Depth Look at Red Leaf Viruses
Freeborn Hall, May 9, 2014
8:30-9:00: Registration
9:00-9:10: Welcome: Andy Walker, Dept of Viticulture & Enology, U C Davis
9:10- 10:00: History of Red Leaf Diseases: Deborah Golino, Foundation Plant
Services, U C Davis
10:00- 10:30: The Evolution of Detection Strategies for Grapevine Viruses: Maher Al
Rwahnih, Foundation Plant Services, U C Davis
10:30-10:45: Break
10:45-11:15: Red Leaf Diseases Due to Graft Union Disorders: Adib Rowhani,
Foundation Plant Services, U C Davis
11:15-11:45: Grapevine Red Blotch Disease: Mysore Sudarshana, USDA-ARS, U C
11:45-12:15: Impact and Spread of Red Leaf Viruses: Monica Cooper, UCCE Napa
County Vit Farm Advisor
12:15-1:15: LUNCH
1:15-1:45: Vectors of Red Leaf Diseases: Kai Blaisdell, Dept of Environmental
Science, Policy & Management, UC Berkeley
1:45-2:25: Epidemics and Management Decisions: Kari Arnold & AJ Campbell, Dept
of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
2:25-2:40: Break
2:40-2:55: What We Need to Learn: Rhonda Smith, UCCE Sonoma County, Vit Farm
2:55-3:15: Final Questions, Comments and Wrap-up: Andy Walker