Wine Flavor 101D: Vineyard Impacts on Wine Flavor
Freeborn Hall – Friday, April 1 2011
8:00 am Coffee and Registration
9:00 Welcome: Linda Bisson, Viticulture & Enology, UCD
9:05 Overview of Vineyard Impacts on Flavor: Jim Wolpert, Viticulture &
Enology, UCD
9:30 Break
9:40 Delicato Canopy Management Trials and Tasting: James Ewart, Winemaker, and Bill
Petrovic, Vineyard Manager, Delicato Family Vineyards, King City
10:10 Site Impact on Chardonnay: Glenn McGourty, Farm Advisor, UCCE,
Mendocino County
10:45 Break
11:00 Tasting: Site Impact
11:30 The Impact of Clonal Variation in Syrah: Matthew Fidelibus, Viticulture &
Enology, UCD, Kearney Agricultural Center
1:00 pm Tasting: Syrah Clones
1:30 The Impact of Vineyard Residues on Wine Quality: Linda Bisson,
Viticulture & Enology, UCD
2:15 Break
2:30 Tasting: Sulfur Residues
3:00 The Impact of Crop Load: Rhonda Smith, Farm Advisor, UCCE, Sonoma County
3:30 Break
3:45 Tasting: Crop Load: Chik Brenneman, Winemaker /Facility Manager, Viticulture &
Enology, UCD
4:15 General Discussion and Adjournment