Wine Flavor 101A
Freeborn Hall –December 2010
Recognizing Defects during Fermentation
8:00 a.m. Coffee and Registration
9:00 Welcome and Overview of Fermentation Issues - Linda Bisson, V&E, UCD
9:40 Floral and Ester Taints - Linda Bisson, Viticulture & Enology, UCD
10:00 Break
10:15 Floral and Ester Taints Tasting
10:45 Impact of Level of Inoculation and Yeast Taints Overview - Linda Bisson, Diego Roig and Luke Bohanan, V&E, UCD
11:30 Level of Yeast Inoculation Tasting
1:00 p.m. Sulfur Compounds in Wine - Linda Bisson, V&E, UCD
2:00 Tasting of First Flight of Sulfides
2:15 Break
2:30 Second Sulfur-Compounds Tasting
3:00 Management of Sulfides Formation - Linda Bisson, V&E, UCD
3:20 Treatment Options: Winemaker Panel - (Bob Blue, Bonterra; Jill Davis, Lambert Bridge; Dave Crippen, Renwood)
3:50 General Discussion
4:30 Adjournment and Optional Tour of the New V&E Teaching and Research Winery