Konrad V. Miller

Konrad Miller

Konrad V. Miller, Ph.D., P.E.

Position Title
Associate Adjunct Professor

Viticulture and Enology


PhD Chemical Engineering - University of California, Davis

MS Chemical Engineering - University of Southern California

BS Chemical Engineering - University of California, Berkeley

Professional Engineer, California, Chemical


Professor Miller applies the concepts of process development, engineering, and design to his research. His research interests focus on the application of process engineering to wine, beer, and spirits processing. Areas of interest include: (1) process intensification in food fermentation and separations processing, (2) application of computer models (CFD and metabolic flux balance analysis) to the optimization of beverage fermentations, (3) application of enhanced distillation techniques to distillery design, and (4) flowsheet modeling and techno-economic analyses of emerging process technologies in food and beverage.

Professor Miller also specializes in process design and troubleshooting in food and beverage facilities. His textbook, "Unit Operations in Winery, Brewery, and Distillery Design", co-authored with Professor Block, will be available in October 2021