Jenny Nelson

Dr. Jenny Nelson

Jenny Nelson, Ph.D.

Position Title
Assistant Adjunct Professor

Viticulture and Enology


MBA - Sanit Mary's College of California
PhD - University of Cincinnati


Dr. Nelson's focus is in trace elemental analysis for the food and beverage industry. Projects include but are not limited to: determining geographic origins, studying toxic and life essential elements, and identifying elemental contamination from packaging and processing. To accomplish these challenging projects, state-of-the-art instrumentation from Agilent Technologies is used. Analytical techniques include MP-AES, ICP-OES, ICP-MS, and ICP-MS/MS for total elemental analysis GC-ICP-MS and HPLC-ICP-MS for elemental speciation analysis.

Selected Publications

Pacquette, L., Nelson, J., Dong, S., Yamanaka, M., Simultaneous Iodine and Bromine Speciation Analysis of Infant Formula by HPLC-ICP-MS, 5994-0843EN,  View this Article

Dong, S., Nelson, J., Yamanaka, M., Routine Analysis of Fortified Foods using the Agilent 7800 ICP-MS, 5994-0842EN,  View this Article

Keller, A., Huang, Y., Nelson, J., Quantifying Copper Nanoparticles on Plant Leaves using Single-Particle ICP-MS, 5994-0214EN,  View this Article. View this Paper.

Tanabe, C. K., S. E. Ebeler, and J. Nelson. Fast analysis of arsenic species in infant rice cereals using LC-ICP-QQQ. Agilent Technology Application Note, 5991-9488EN. View this Article

Tanabe, C. K., H. Hopfer, S. E. Ebeler, and J. Nelson. Speciated arsenic analysis in wine using HPLC-ICP-QQQ: Validation of an extended FDA elemental analysis manual method. Agilent Technology Application Note, Publication No. 5991-8833EN. View this Article. View this Paper.

Smith, S. W., A. F. Oliveria, J. Landero, A. R. A. Nogueira, M. A. Zanetti, J. Nelson. Multielement analysis and selenium speciation in cattle and fish feed using LC-ICP-QQQ. Agilent Technology Application Note, Publication No 5991-9015EN. View this Article

Jones, C., and J. Nelson. Multi-element analysis of cannabis using the Agilent 7800 ICP-MS. Agilent Technology Application Note, Publication No 5991-8482EN. View this Article. View the Paper.

Tanabe, C., S. E. Ebeler, and J. Nelson. Fast analysis of arsenic species in wines using the LC-ICP-QQQ. Agilent Technology Application Note, Publication No. 5991-8454EN. View this Article. View this Paper.

Sedin, D., S. Williams, E. Kulikov, J. Nelson, and G. Gilleland. Determination of metals in wort and beer samples using the Agilent 5110 ICO-OES. Agilent Technology Application Note, Publication No. 5991-8394EN. View this Article

Nelson, J., G. Gilleland, H. Hopfer, and S. E. Ebeler. Elemental profiling of whiskey using the Agilent 5100/5110 ICP-OES and MPP chemometrics software. Agilent Technology Application Note, Publication No. 5991-8394EN. View this Article. View this Paper.

Tanabe, C. K., H. Hopfer, G. Gilleland, A. Liba, S. E. Ebeler, J. Nelson. Routine analysis of total arsenic in California wines using the Agilent 4200 MPAES. Agilent Application Note 5991-7053EN. View this Article. View the Paper.

Nelson, J., H. Hopfer, G. Gilleland, R. B. Boulton, S. E. Ebeler. Elemental profiling of Malbec Wines for geographical origin using an Agilent 4200 MPAES. Agilent Application Note 5991-5922EN. View this Article. View this Paper.

Jackson, B., A. Liba, J. Nelson. Accurate and Sensitive Analysis of Arsenic and Selenium in Foods. Agilent Application Note 5991-5860EN. View this Article. View this Paper.

Tanabe, C. K., C. Jones, J. Nelson. Routine, high-throughput, multi-element analysis of milk and milk powder using the Agilent 7900 ICP-MS. Agilent Application Note 5991-6185EN. View this Article

Tanabe, C. K., F. Silva, G. Gilleland, J. Nelson. Determination of major elements in milk using the Agilent 4200 MP-AES. Agilent Application Note 5991-6159EN. View this Article

Nelson, J., H. Hopfer, F. Silva, S. Wilbur, J. Chen, K. S. Ozawa, P. L. Wylie. Determination of pesticides in foods using phosphorus and sulfur detection by GC-ICP-QQQ. Agilent Application Note 5991-6260EN. View this Article. View the Paper.

Juskelis, R., J. Nelson, J. C. Cappozzo. Speciation of Inorganic Arsenic in Baby Rice Cereal Using HPLC-ICP-MS. Agilent Application Note, 5991-2568EN. View this Article. View the Paper.

Hopfer H., S. E. Ebeler, J. Nelson. Using ICP-MS and Mass Profiler Professional to Determine the Effect of Storage Temperature and Packaging Type on the Trace Metal Composition of Wine. Agilent Application Note, 5991-2570EN. View this Article. View the Paper.