Andrew L. Waterhouse, Ph.D.
Position Title
Professor (Chemist)
Viticulture and Enology
Ph.D., Chemistry, University of California at Berkeley
B.S., Chemistry, University of Notre Dame
Dr. Waterhouse is a well-known wine chemist. His research activity focuses on the chemistry of a class of natural phytochemicals called `phenolic compounds'; addressing two types of effects: those that are important to the taste of wine and those that relate to health effects on wine consumers. In both cases, his laboratory collaborates with others who can help utilize the data and assisting in our understanding of these compounds. In the area of wine quality, his current interest is in the effect of oxidation on wine chemistry and how this oxidation affects important quality parameters of wine, such as taste and color. He has been studying micro-oxygenation and its effect on wine color and tannins, but has also been investigating the basic chemistry of wine oxidation. Dr. Waterhouse's teaching includes a wine analysis course and a wine chemistry course.
Selected Publications
For more details, see my listing at LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/andrew-waterhouse/7/a47/3ba