Electronic Mailing Lists

There are several e-mail lists used by the Department:

  • VENINFO: This list goes out to all subscribers including all students, faculty and staff. Anything that you post will go to all VENINFO and VENFERM subscribers, so please limit communications on this list to issues that are pertinent for all of these groups. Typical messages include notices of upcoming events, class schedule changes, lost item searches, etc. To post a message here, send an e-mail to veninfo@ucdavis.edu.
  • VENJOBS: What a resource! As you think about graduation or internships, think about subscribing. All job listings that come through the department will be posted here. To post a job visit http://wineserver.ucdavis.edu/venjobs
  • VENDEVO: This list is specifically designed to keep students informed of DEVO meetings, fund raisers, field trips, rooms for rent, cars for sale, as well as social events. Contact DEVO for more information. Get involved!!.

You may also be automatically subscribed to lists depending on you major and classes that you are enrolled in.

You can manage your list subscription interactively via the listproc website at lists.ucdavis.edu

How to get on and off the lists:

All undergraduates are automatically added to the VENFERM (and by default, VENINFO) lists

See below for adding yourself to any e-mail list :

Subscribe by sending a message to: sympa@ucdavis.edu
The message body should take the following form:

subscribe 'listname' 'your first name' 'your last name'

Where 'listname' is the name of the list, such as VENINFO or VENJOBS, without the quote marks.
Do not include any signature or other information in the body of the message.

Example of a message to subscribe to VENINFO:

To: sympa@ucdavis.edu
From: joewineo@ucdavis.edu
Body: subscribe veninfo Joe Wineo

To Get Off of a List:

Send a message to sympa@ucdavis.edu in the following way for example, if you wanted to unsubscribe yourself from VENINFO:

To: sympa@ucdavis.edu
From: joewineo@ucdavis.edu 
Body: unsubscribe veninfo

We request that you remove yourself from these email lists when you graduate or when you leave the campus. If not, the list manager has to remove you when your email address fails or when your mailbox fills up.

If you have any trouble with any of the email lists, please contact the list manager, at ventechsupport@ucdavis.edu.