Dennis & Judith Groth

GrothDennis and Judy Groth had been married for twenty years when they bought “the farm”-a vineyard, farmhouse, and a barn on 121 acres called Oakcross Vineyards. Dennis had worked up to become a partner at Arthur Young & Company, one of the key architects of Atari; when Atari was sold in 1984, the Groth’s moved their family to Napa and have enjoyed making fine wines ever since. The Groth’s claim to have begun as serious wine consumers rather than grape farmers, and it was their love for Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignons that encouraged them to try producing a quality wine.

Now the entire family participates in the business, with daughter Suzanne, and son Andrew contributing to the success of the family business. The Groth’s commitment to their winery is as strong as their commitment to the wine industry; and they have always felt that the health of their business is dependant on the health of the California Wine Industry. The Groth family is a supporter and donor to the department’s winery.